There are nine commissions authorized by the AACC Board. Each commission consists of an average of 24 people from member institutions who are CEOs or administrators.
Apply to Serve on a Commission
Nominations to serve on an AACC Commission are closed. Please check back early February 2025.
The commissions are:
- Commission on College Readiness
- Commission on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Commission on Economic and Workforce Development
- Commission on Institutional Infrastructure and Transformation
- Commission on Public Relations Advocacy and Advancement
- Commission on Research and Community College Trends and Issues
- Commission on Small and Rural Colleges
- Commission on Structured Pathways
- Commission on Student Success
Commissions were established to accomplish the following:
- Provide advice to the AACC Board and staff.
- Encourage collaboration among community college entities and organizations.
- Provide a forum for focused conversation about the important community college issues and priorities of the day.
- Provide for increased involvement in the Association by AACC member CEOs and other professional staff.
- Provide leadership opportunities for members of the AACC Board of Directors (who serve as chairs).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I get on a commission?
AACC will alert the field via electronic newsletters and social media when commissions are accepting applications. Those interested in serving must submit application forms, which will be housed online.
Commission members are chosen by the AACC Board chair-elect annually in May. Those selected will begin serving in July of that year.
Commission members appointed by the chair-elect must represent institutions that are current members of AACC.
If I am not a CEO, can I be nominated as an institutional member?
Institutional members on commissions must be CEOs or campus leaders. In some cases, vice presidents and provosts will be considered. However, affiliated council representatives can be employed in many different areas.
How long are commission terms for institutional members and affiliated council representatives?
Commissioners designated as institutional members serve for three years. Affiliated council representatives serve an annual term, and must be reappointed each year.
When are commission meetings held?
The commissions meet twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring in conjunction with the AACC Convention.