Lake Region State College
Institution Profile
- Name:Lake Region State College
- President/CEO:Douglas D. Darling
- Website: opens in a new window
- Address:1801 College Drive North
- City:Devils Lake
- State: ND
- Zipcode:58301-1598
- Phone:(701) 662-1600
- Control Type:Public
- Urbanicity: Remote, Town
- Year Established:1941
- IPEDS Enrollment Year:2022
Key Contacts
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Related Campuses
Credit Enrollment
- Total Enrollment:1679
- Full-time:0.247766528
- Part-time:0.752233472
Student Characteristics
- Male:0.406789756
- Female:0.593210244
- African American:0.023228112
- Asian/Pacific:0.007742704
- Hispanic:0.044073853
- Native American:0.020845742
- White:0.703394878
- Other:0.200714711
- Total Minority:0.095890411